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Those Dumb South Africans
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| None-the-less, it seems Matusow is convinced that “The developing world still
| views OSS as ‘free as in no money,;” and … “I heard this same point of view
| for 5 years all over Asia, parts of Europe, and Latin America.” So, I guess
| it’s not just South Africans, but a lot of people, all those
| non-English-speaking foreigners, who aren’t capable of understanding open
| source.
| .
| And, Microsoft wonders why so many counties really are ‘anti-Microsoft!’
Days ago:
South Africans don’t understand OSS - Microsoft
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| Despite having an open source strategy the South African government doesn’t
| really understand how to benefit from OSS. This is according to Microsoft
| director of corporate standards, Jason Matusow. Matusow, who was in South
| Africa on an “external outreach” trip around the time SA adopted ODF as a
| national standard, writes on his blog that not only does government not
| understand how to benefit from open source software, but South Africans were
| unlikely to ever do any “deep” development work on Linux.
SA's open source acceleration
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| Beveridge says while many people think only of the Linux operating system
| when they talk about open source software, its scope is much deeper than
| that. The ambit of open source extends from the open document format ODF -
| that describes exactly how information is stored and formatted - to
| applications such as OpenOffice (a competitor of Microsoft Office) to the
| desktop and server versions of the Linux operating system, to name but a few.
| Another misconception surrounding the technology is that it's free. And while
| most of it doesn't have licence fees attached to it, users pay for the
| application's service and support. That's why it's gaining popularity with
| developing countries, because it encourages the development of indigenous
| technology companies.
Open source sets sights on SMEs
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| Connection Telecom's Asterisk is a free open source telecoms solution
| developed by Mark Spencer in 2002 and 2003. Spencer was a Linux vendor
| looking for an open source PABX system. Shocked by the high prices of
| existing proprietary solutions, Spencer sat down and wrote Asterisk, which by
| answering the need for a cost-effective alternative, became an immediate
| global success story.
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