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30 days without Windows, and with Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron"
,----[ Quote ]
| Well, it's been 30 days since I entered "Windows rehab", trying to go
| cold-turkey by taking large doses of Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron". And for the
| most part, I've been successful. Other than booting XP a few times to get
| personal info and to run one program that does not have a Linux replacement,
| I've done everything I used to do in Windows with Ubuntu for 30 days. As they
| say in my neck of the woods, I'm "tickled pink". Read on for a brief summary
| of my experience so far.
| [...]
| The best way to sum up my experience is to say I don't plan to go back to XP.
Windows-Linux Integration
,----[ Quote ]
| Are you afraid of getting burnt by Linux? Is it possible for a
| Windows-centric user to incorporate Linux into their infrastructure? In this
| article, Stephen Morris describes how it’s not only easy to use Linux in a
| Windows environment; it’s also a good opportunity to save money and learn a
| thing or two.
CH: Geneva schools completely switch to Open Source
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| About 70,000 students and their 7,000 teachers in the Geneva school district
| will gradually be moving to Open Source.
Deploying KDE to 52 million young people
,----[ Quote ]
| By the end of this year 29,000 labs serving some 32,000,000 students will be
| fully deployed and in active use.
| By the end of next year (2009) those numbers will have swelled to 53,000 labs
| serving some 52,000,000 students.
Feeling the heat at Microsoft
,----[ Quote ]
| If I ask you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have
| to go with that.
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