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Fedora 9 tools demystify installation and upgrades
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| The Fedora project has always offered installation options. The best known of
| these options are the Fedora spins -- roll-your-own install images that
| emphasize a particular desktop or purpose, such as providing the
| distribution's complete repository on DVD. With Fedora 9, the project has
| expanded its traditional emphasis with two new tools: LiveUSB Creator, a
| Windows application for producing live Fedora flash drives, and PreUpgrade, a
| wizard to help existing users move from one release to another. Each in its
| own way helps to clarify part of the process of installing the Fedora
| operating system.
Review: Everex gPCmini with gOS Linux
,----[ Quote ]
| Everex's gPC mini is a small, quiet, powerful $500 computer with a hip
| Linux-based operating system designed for MySpace users and others who
| appreciate the entertainment value of PCs. With a few simple hardware tweaks,
| the gPC is sure to delight fun-loving PC users of all ages.
| [...]
| So, what else did I try? I tried out World of Warcraft on Wine, and that
| seemed to work, although not being a WoW player, I didn't really have a
| character to try out. But the high-definition introductory video was
| spectacular!
Related and recent:
Acid Test For Windows: Fedora Sulphur Is Here
,----[ Quote ]
| The best part with most GNU/Linux distros is you can try them even without
| touching your hard drive. So, you can try Fedora 9 Live CD to have a look at
| the offering; and then you may go on to install it. Now, what's better? A
| lot.
Fedora 9 - an OS that even the Linux challenged can love
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| The new KDE look, dubbed Oxygen, is very slick, some might even say
| beautiful. Fedora is the first major distro to ship with KDE 4 enabled by
| default, but thankfully KDE 4 does support older applications that haven't
| yet been ported. Such apps won't be able to take advantage of the new
| features, but at least you can use them until new versions are released.
| Fedora 9 also marks the first release under Paul Frields, Fedora project
| leader at Red Hat, who took over for longtime Fedora maintainer Max Spivak
| earlier this year. Fedora has also revamped its board slightly making the
| distro a more community-managed affair. The majority of the Fedora board is
| now made up of community elected members.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)