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Re: Destroying idea patents by posting ideas on the internet ??? to USENET groups.

____/ Erik Jan on Tuesday 20 May 2008 10:45 : \____

> Ramon F Herrera had de volgende lumineuze gedachte op 20-05-08 01:45:
>> There is a small but crucial flaw in your reasoning. Ideas per se are
>> not patentable. What is patented is not an idea but the expression of
>> an idea.
> An algorithm is the expression of an idea. The coding af the algorithm
> in  a (computer) language is just another expression of the same idea.
> How can an idea be free but not the expression of it?
> Erik Jan

The Bilski case raises even more interesting questions, such as (real example
from the court case): is the curveball patentable?

Some people have begun patenting stuff that you can infringe on using pen and
paper... or purely thought.

This comes to show the insanity and the need to set boundaries. Trademarks and
copyrights are one thing... and then there's....

                ~~ Best of wishes

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