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[News] Reform Sought for Intellectual Monopolies, "A Mental Illness"

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Patent Reform at Tilburg

,----[ Quote ]
| 26 and 27 March 2009
| On 26 and 27 March 2009, TILEC - Tilburg Law and Economics Center - hosts an 
| international Conference on Patent Reforms in Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam. 
| The conference features internationally renowned speakers and intends to 
| foster discussion on patents, innovation and competition policy between 
| lawyers, economists and practitioners.    


Editor's Note: Intellectual Property Is A Mental Illness

,----[ Quote ]
| This whole "intellectual property" mania is a mental illness that deserves 
| its own entry into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 
| It's like that great movie, "Aguirre: The Wrath of God." Give yourself a 
| treat and watch it; it's a wonderful film that takes place after the fall of 
| the Incan empire. Lope de Aguirre, played by the perfectly mad Klaus Kinski, 
| leads a band of Spanish conquistadors on a quest for El Dorado, the legendary 
| City of Gold. The quest is doomed, of course, as they struggle through 
| hostile terrain and hostile locals, pushed onward by their own greed and 
| ruthlessness.        
| [...]
| The tech industry is notorious for thuggish Tony Soprano tactics. How did 
| this come about? Pepsi doesn't make you agree to a EULA. DeWalt doesn't tell 
| you what you can and cannot do with your own DeWalt tools that you have 
| purchased. The fashion and automotive industries copy each other openly, and 
| don't waste time suing each other for poaching ideas. Instead they stick to 
| the business of trying to win customers the old-fashioned way-- by making 
| cool things that people want to buy.      
| The proprietary software industry nearly succeeded in killing off the 
| second-hand software market, and then had the two-faced gall to whine about 
| copyright infringement-- they tolerate it when it opens new markets and shuts 
| out the competition, but sooner or later those bad pirates have to pay up. 
| Every other industry has a thriving second-hand market, instead of this loony 
| game of wink-nudge "piracy", and it benefits everyone-- it opens new markets, 
| and reduces the financial risks of early adopters and customers who buy new.      
| Microsoft has devoted considerable energy to trying to kill off the 
| second-hand hardware market as well by going after schools and non-profits 
| that use old, donated equipment, and forcing them to purchase new software 
| licenses. Most OEM Windows PCs come with crippled versions of Windows that 
| can't be moved to different PCs, but are locked to the original.     


“Strive not to be a man of success, but rather strive to be a man of value.”

                              --Albert Einstein


Patent system 'stifling science'


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