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[News] British Internet Handed Over to US MAFIAA (Copyrights Cartel)

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UK.gov 'to create anti-net piracy agency'

,----[ Quote ]
| Following its failure to foster voluntary solution between ISPs and rights 
| holders, the government will create a new agency and regulations to clamp 
| down on copyright infringement via peer-to-peer networks, it's reported 
| today.   
| A proposal for a body called the Rights Agency will be at the centre of 
| anti-internet piracy measures, according to the Financial Times, which cited 
| sources who had read a draft of Lord Carter's report on Digital Britain. The 
| Rights Agency will be introduced alongside a new code of practice for ISPs 
| and rights holders, to be overseen by Ofcom, according to the leaked draft. 
| The final report is due out by the end of this month.     


Jono Bacon announces CC-licensed book project

,----[ Quote ]
| Bacon says that the book, which is called Art of Community, will cover a wide 
| range community-related topics, including governance, promotion, and conflict 
| resolution. It will also provide real-world anecdotes to provide greater 
| insight into the subject area. He aims to have the book on shelves this 
| Summer and will also make it broadly available on the Internet. He plans to 
| document the process and provide ongoing updates at a new web site that he 
| created for the project.      
| "This book is much more than merely a textbook on building a compelling 
| community. I believe that we learn how to build strong community through the 
| exchange of stories and experiences," he wrote in a blog entry. "The Art Of 
| Community is a compendium of stories, anecdotes and experiences inside and 
| outside the Open Source world."     



Taxing ISPs To Fund Newspapers?

,----[ Quote ]
| In trying to explain why a music tax is a bad idea, I pointed out that if you
| start with music, you quickly have to start adding pretty much every industry
| disrupted by the internet. The obvious one is movies, but what about
| newspapers? They're struggling due to the internet, so why can't they demand
| an ISP tax to support newspapers? The idea, of course, is that this was a
| ludicrous suggestion... but apparently some people have thought seriously
| about it.


Internet Filtering Appearing On Various Wishlists For Obama

,----[ Quote ]
| It's tough to get that worked up about the various "wishlists" being sent by
| different interest groups to President-elect Obama. After all, you'd expect
| the groups to basically push for their entire agenda, and there's no
| indication that an Obama administration will agree to any of these -- but
| it's still worth watching. For example, the MPAA's wishlist includes plenty
| of forced filtering and a "three strikes" policy that Europe recently
| rejected as taking away basic human rights (there's that MPAA spirit!).


Internet Censors Must Be Accountable For The Things They Break

,----[ Quote ]
| Censorship technologies are purveyed as a way to protect us from the evils of
| child abuse. But they're costly systems that are unlikely to actually protect
| anyone or prevent any child abuse — they're more likely to interfere with the
| way the Internet works and hamper innovation by online communities.


Labor plan to censor internet in shreds

,----[ Quote ]
| The Government's plan to censor the internet is in tatters, with Australia's
| largest ISP saying it will not take part in live trials of the system and the
| second largest committing only to a scaled-back trial.
| And the Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy, has written to critics
| saying that the so-called "live" trials would be "a closed network test and
| will not involve actual customers". Greens Senator Scott Ludlam said this was
| a sign the Government was slowly backing away from the heavily criticised
| policy.

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