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[News] Red Hat Does Well with Middleware, Cloud Computing

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Red Hat: JBoss Business Is Booming

,----[ Quote ]
| At Red Hat, Linux is old news. Sure, Red Hat Enterprise Linux sales continue 
| to accelerate. But consider this: The company’s JBoss middleware business is 
| growing twice as fast as Red Hat’s Linux infrastructure business, according 
| to a company spokeswoman. For solutions providers there are some important 
| lessons here.    


There's No Such Thing As A Private Cloud

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's how it works. You take the ParaScale software and load it onto a bunch 
| of servers running Red Hat Linux. The ParaScale software makes all these 
| servers look like a single IP address and single storage address to whatever 
| systems you connect to it.   



JBoss selects Magnolia for CMS

,----[ Quote ]
| When you’re a big-time Java application engine vendor like the community side
| of Red Hat’s JBoss, JBoss.org, picking out a CMS (content management system)
| isn’t a small deal. That’s why JBoss’ selection of Magnolia is not just
| another CMS deal. After all, the JBoss community sites hosts more than 40
| different open-source middleware projects.


Red Hat expands Australian presence with new regional HQ

,----[ Quote ]
| Growth in Linux vendor Red Hat's Asia-Pacific engineering and support
| business has resulted in a move to new premises. The world's biggest
| specialist Linux company's Brisbane, Australia, site is now its largest
| engineering centre in the region.


Red Hat: Crisis to boost open source

,----[ Quote ]
| The global economic crisis would provide a boost for open source software,
| Red Hat chief executive Jim Whitehurst claimed during a visit to Sydney this
| week.
| Whitehurst, who stopped over down under as part of a tour of the Asia-Pacific
| region, said in an interview with ZDNet Asia's sister site ZDNet Australia
| that the crisis would cause companies to consolidate their technology
| infrastructure and reduce spending.



No Recession at Red Hat

,----[ Quote ]
| It is flattering to be mentioned, Mr. Whitehurst said, but he noted that
| corporate customers and the industry benefit from what he called Red
| Hat’s “Switzerland status” — not being a province of one of the major powers
| in the technology industry.


Microsoft sees slide in profits

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