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[News] ASUS Puts Linux on Its Desktops, More GNU/Linux-only Sub-notebooks Coming

  • Subject: [News] ASUS Puts Linux on Its Desktops, More GNU/Linux-only Sub-notebooks Coming
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 01:47:50 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

ASUS`s Eee Box Brings Atom to the Desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| For the Linux crowd, Asus has incorporated their ExpressGate technology into 
| the Eee box. ExpressGate is an embedded Linux OS that boots from the 
| motherboard and brings up a fully functioning OS with embedded applications 
| (such as FireFox and Skype) in a matter of seconds.   


Freescale, Intel count on netbook to lift sales

,----[ Quote ]
| Chipmakers are staking out their turf in the burgeoning "netbook" computer 
| market as consumers scramble for companion devices for laptops and smart 
| phones.  
| The tech companies have invested millions of dollars to roll out new 
| processors for netbooks, which are half the size of a notebook computer but 
| bigger than an iPhone or BlackBerry.  
| [...]
| Netbooks using Freescale's model will only be able to run on Linux. ARM-based 
| processors also require special software add-ons for some social-networking 
| applications such as Facebook, said Bill Kircos, an Intel spokesman in 
| Arizona.   



Asus ships 700,000 Eees in a month

,----[ Quote ]
| Admittedly, Asus still has some way to go if it wants to beat its own goal of
| shipping 24 million motherboards this year. So far, the firm has ‘only’
| managed to ship 17.22 million units in Q3.


More evidence of Microsoft "tying up" the Asus EeePC

,----[ Quote ]
| Then, one of the makers of Netbooks will release a fantastic product using
| the paid Ubuntu/Netbook Remix, which will make us all forget about the EeePC
| — or, maybe we’ll remember it as one of the makers which used GNU/Linux in
| order to launch a product, and then gave in to Microsoft’s pressure.
| The real question is: will the next maker manage to resist Microsoft’s
| pressure? Or will everybody end up closely tied up with Microsoft?


Microsoft worried over Linux ULPCs

,----[ Quote
| An un-named Microsoft official quoted in the original article claims that
| manufacturers currently offering Linux on their low-cost devices “have made
| some good inroads with open-source, and Microsoft wants to put a stop to it.”


Feeling the heat at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| If I ask you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have
| to go with that.


Otellini: 'MID revolution will be centred round Linux'

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel CEO says Microsoft's insistence on pushing Vista will hand market to
| open source rival
| Intel's CEO has said that he sees the revolution that is about to happen
| around mobile internet devices (MID) such as the Eee PC and other Atom-based
| sub-notebooks will be "centred round Linux", in an interview with Associated
| Press.


Acer bets big on Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Acer has stated that it will be pushing Linux aggressively on its laptops and
| netbooks.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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