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[News] GNU/Linux Updates: Now Without the Network

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Keryx Tutorial: Bringing Updates Home

,----[ Quote ]
| Though in most North American cities one cannot find a spot without at least 
| a weak WiFi signal, many of us Linux geeks still live in rural areas with 
| less Internet connectivity. Also, in various non-Westernized nations, there 
| is a growing number of Linux users who may have a computer at home, but 
| cannot afford a decent connection. For both groups, software updates 
| typically demand an Internet connection, which can make updating difficult if 
| not impossible. There is now a solution though, a new program called Keryx.      


Debian can come as a Blu-Ray disc.


Debian Project News - October 20th, 2008

,----[ Quote ]
| Steve McIntyre posted some bits from the Debian CD team. With the upcoming
| release of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 Lenny, Blu-ray Disc images will be available
| as well as CD and DVD images. For the first time in several years, users
| should be able to fit all of the packages for one architecture on a single
| disc. But due to the increased size of the Debian archive and considerations
| of storage and network bandwidth (especially on our mirrors) only a limited
| number of versions of each image will be available for direct download on our
| mirrors.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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