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      Announcements Deadline extension for EURASIP JASP Special Issue on MLIP

    Anonymous writes "********* Deadline extension *************

    The submission deadline for the special issue on
    "Machine Learning in Image Processing" of the
    EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing has been
    postponed to October 1th, 2007.

    More details at :

      Posted by schestowitzon Saturday, September 08 @ 05:10:18 BST (4103 reads)
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      Announcements CVIU Special Issue/Discrete Optimization in CV

    Anonymous writes "CVIU Special Issue/Discrete Optimization in CV

    Special Issue of the Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU): Discrete Optimization in Computer Vision
    Guest Editors: N. Paragios & R. Zabih

    * Scope
    Visual understanding tasks are often naturally formulated as energy minimization approaches. In such a context, the goal is to estimate a set of parameters that produces the lowest potential of a specifically designed cost function. These problems are quite challenging, since the cost functions are typically non-convex functions in high dimensional spaces.

    Discrete optimization is a well studied branch of computer science and operations research. It has numerous applications, including networks, communication, computational biology, finance, etc. While discrete optimization problems have been popular in vision for almost three decades, the area has gained significant attention within the past decade thanks to the development of efficient combinatorial optimization techniques including, max flow/min cut, graph cuts, linear programming, belief propagation, message passing, dynamic programming, etc.

    * Potential topics include:
    This issue aims to present the latest developments in this area both from theoretical and application perspective to capture the widest possible range of problems in computer vision. To this end, we solicit submissions in the following areas, among others:

    - Discrete optimization algorithms
    - Image enhancement, inpainting
    - Image segmentation and grouping
    - Motion analysis, registration and tracking
    - Computational stereo, shape from shading
    - Medical and biological imaging
    - Experimental comparisons of optimization techniques or energy functions

    * Submission Procedure
    Submissions should be marked "Special Issue: Discrete Optimization in CV" and should be submitted through the CVIU journal web server (http://ees.elsevier.com/cviu/default.asp). During the submission the authors should indicate (select the appropriate option) that this is a submission for the Discrete Optimization in CV issue. The guide for authors is at (http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622809/authorinstructions)

    The guest editors may return without review submissions that are not aligned with the scope of this issue.

    * Important dates:
    - Deadline for submission: October, 31st 2007
    - First Review Decision: January, 31st 2008
    - Resubmission of Revised Papers (if needed): April, 30st 2008
    - Final Decisions to the authors: June, 30st 2008
    - Issue Publication (scheduled): fall/winter 2008

    Guest Editors:

    Nikos Paragios
    Professor, Laboratoire MAS
    Ecole Centrale de Paris
    Grande Voie des Vignes
    Chatenay Malabry, France

    Ramin Zabih
    Professor of Computer Science and Radiology
    Cornell University
    4130 Upson Hall
    Ithaca, NY, USA "
      Posted by schestowitzon Friday, August 03 @ 09:53:05 BST (4483 reads)
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      Announcements psd magazine enters the US Market

    Anonymous writes ".psd magazine entering the US Market.
    It is amazingly popular magazine for computer graphic hotheads, it conquered French, German and Polish market now it will be in the US market."
      Posted by schestowitzon Sunday, January 14 @ 10:04:47 GMT (4668 reads)
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      Announcements Image Analysis Helps the Visually-Impaired

    Wearable computing system will soon assist the visually-impaired, according to this article from What's Next In Science & Technology.
    "SWAN is a satisfying project because we are looking at how to use technology originally developed for military use for peaceful purposes," says Dellaert. "Currently, we can effectively localize the person outdoors with GPS data, and we have a working prototype using computer vision to see street level details not included in GPS, such as light posts and benches. The challenge is integrating all the information from all the various sensors in real time so you can accurately guide the user as they move toward their destination."
    Related item from The Computer Vision Digest: Computer Vision Assists the Blind
      Posted by schestowitzon Wednesday, August 16 @ 06:50:57 BST (1211 reads)
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      Announcements IPMI 2007

    Web site has not been set up for IPMI 2007, yet. The conference will take place at Rolduc Abbey (The Netherlands) in July 2007. Judging by previous postponement of the IPMI 2005 deadline (10th of January, 2005), it would be reasonable to assume the end of the year or the very beginning of the next year as the deadline. Also undetermined as yet are MICCAI deadlines. However, conference dates and venues are already listed fully until 2009. Other deadlines of more prominent conferences in the field:
      Posted by schestowitzon Thursday, March 23 @ 17:00:34 GMT (2017 reads)
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