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Friday, May 19th, 2023, 2:51 pm

Action Fraud: Anybody Home or Just Bots?

Video download link | md5sum 4cd628f27bc3a0865875d46519d80701
Nobody to Speak With Today
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: 28 days ago I reported fraud committed by Sirius ‘Open Source’ against many members of its own staff for more than half a decade; “An assessment will be made as to whether there are viable lines of enquiry that would enable a law enforcement body, such as the police service, to investigate. The NFIB aim to provide you with an update on your report within 28 days,” they said 28 days ago, but no word was received from them. Today I phoned them up for an update and the video above documents the process. The short story is, no human answered the call and I ended up with a silent wait, maybe due to a technical error.

“I am sorry to hear you have been a victim of crime,” said a message to me 28 days ago. “Thank you for taking the time to report to Action Fraud. Your report has been sent to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) for review.”

Did they get back to me? No, Not yet.

Maybe the coronation spectacle kept them very busy.

As the video hopefully makes evident, their answering system isn’t working. I didn’t even get to speak to a person. I was just muted completely for several minutes (or rather, the other side was perpetually muted, without any indication of any progress whatsoever).

This is especially frustrating as people have been the victims of a crime and there’s nobody to even speak to. Manchester’s police told me I must contact Action Fraud, not them. After 28 days there has been no action, just inaction, and there seems to be nobody to speak to for updates. That’s a lot worse than I expected when initiating the call.

Maybe it’s intentional? To keep down the “plebs” and “chavs”? It’s probably not intentional, but I will try again on Monday to see if I get any luckier, even though these calls aren’t cheap and quite frankly they should have made these ‘freecall’ (0800 and similar), especially if the aim is to protect vulnerable people on shoestring budget. Making such a process this slow would result in fatigue, frustration, and in turn learned helplessness. Curiously enough they present options (in the voice menus) insinuating that their target callers are business and organisations.

Having a police unit that claims to be doing something without actually doing it (or improperly doing it) is a matter of saving face or ticking the “right box”. Action is needed, not automated messages and robots on a telephone line.

Friday, May 19th, 2023, 12:40 am

Protecting the Rich From Poor People’s Crimes, Not Poor People From Rich People’s Crimes

Video download link | md5sum 0f02dc3bfb57e85b11051d8d4f2e571d
Serve and Protect Kings?
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: The response from the police (or lack thereof) is a testament or a sign of a defunct system, wherein committing crimes against the vulnerable might be OK; cops don’t prioritise such cases

TODAY, Thursday, is two days before the self-imposed soft deadline of British police. Less than 30 hours from now they’re supposed to have already looked into the report of crimes by Sirius ‘Open Source’. The evidence is extensive, the language used is polite, and all the correct procedures were followed when the report got filed.

So what’s taking so long?

So far I’ve received no letter, no phonecall, and no E-mail. Imagine being in a situation where enforcement is so urgent that it’s a life-or-death situation. In this case, the matter is urgent as soon there will be no company left to enforce against.

The video above goes through this latest part in a series. If there’s a point to be made here, it’s that the police is unfit for purpose when it comes to white-collar crimes. When it comes to fraud, Action Fraud exists to protect the rich and powerful people from the “hackers” and scammers, but it won’t protect ordinary citizens from rich and powerful corporations.

On Friday I intend to phone them asking for updates. But I won’t get my hopes too high, based on past experiences. The likely outcome is, they will say they still sit on it and need more time. Remember that these people are receiving their salaries from taxpayers. Who are they protecting? The rich tax evaders, who aren’t even contributing much to the budget of the police?

Thursday, May 18th, 2023, 10:21 am

‘Action Fraud’ Reinforces the Narrative That Says Cops Are Apathetic Towards White-Collar Crimes

King Charles Crown: Police? Whose police?

Summary: The crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ — crimes that had many victims — don’t seem to interest the police enough to act fast (we expected this all along); as its 28-day time window approaches we revisit the matter and discuss some more

ABOUT four weeks ago I contacted the police and filed a report about Sirius fraud. It was perfectly factual, with no gaps in knowledge left to fill (as I had received formal documentation from the original sources after months of ordeals, mostly trying hard to get them to admit the issue and write official letters). All the witnesses were ready to testify and answer additional questions.

Police is in no rush to act. Cops would be involved if someone’s life was at immediate risk, but that’s about it. They drag their heels, just like pension providers do. Months ago I learn from a friend, a professor who worked here, that his female partner got punched in the face and despite the cops having CCTV footage of the incident and plate number (of the car in question) — in other words everything needed to summon the perpetrator of assault and convict her — the cops chose to do nothing, not even prosecute. See, here in Manchester it has become normal; if something gets damaged or stolen they typically just ask, “do you have insurance?” They don’t want to get involved. They might open a case, give you a number, and then add it to the tally, eventually generating some detailed statistics for taxpayers while asking for implicit consent to close the case (without resolution).

They said they aimed to make progress within 28 days. Well, early this coming Saturday it’ll be 28 days, so I plan to call them tomorrow afternoon and ask about progress. And no, don’t bother to put me down, I’m not expecting much to happen. With my low expectations, not due to the crime not being severe “enough” but the police not being effective enough (from personal experience), I all along expected many delays, little action etc. I had already prepared actions to come after police inaction. There are 5 steps to come after that, but we’re keeping them close to our chest for now. By the end of this series we hope to make it crystal clear that the system for accountability in the UK is not functioning, to put it mildly and politely. The same is true in most countries outside the UK, but we cannot put those to the test (for obvious reasons).

Let me explain the situation very simply, as this subject has been preying on my mind a lot lately, also in light of the EU and the EPO pushing an obviously illegal “Unitary Patent”/”Unified Patent Court”, Donald Trump getting away with everything, and various other examples of rich and/or powerful people being above the law.

Allow me to put it like this: Imagine you pay your tax money to the police (a portion of the salary) and you then spend a lot of time — even prepare and make expensive phonecalls — to gather evidence for the police. Months later you report and politely demand action, as the evidence supports the assertion that a serious crime took place and many people are victims of this crime, not just you. You’ve basically done the work cops were supposed to do, but you’re not an enforcer. You wait a month for action, but nothing happens. The cops not taking action basically signals to employers that embezzlement is OK (stealing workers’ money from their salary under a false pretenses of “pension”).

So you’re basically ripped off twice, first for cops who don’t enforce the law and don’t solve crimes and second by the employer. One might say that there’s money stolen by cops who enable these crimes while giving false assurances of “law and order”.

So what’s the point of the police?

They might as well publicly state that embezzlement has been informally legalised by inaction, in which case people need vigilantes to enforce rules or resort to force in case theft was detected.

Would that make us safer?

No, the vigilantes would soon be getting in trouble for “violence” or “sabotage” of rich people’s
“property”. As a reminder, the cops in the UK have emblems like the crown (worn on the helmet); they work for the Monarchy — yes, the same family that issued taxpayers’ money to victims of ‘Prince’ Andrew so that he doesn’t get arrested.

If white-collar crimes get treated so lightly, it’s hardly shocking that protesters get arrested routinely whereas the criminals they protest against receive police protection. In climate and antiwar activism this has become a universal truism. There’s this “tyranny of the white collar”, e.g. bailouts for abusive bankers (states habitually bail out the worst abusers instead of punishing them, encouraging further bad behaviour)

The perpetrators revel in this impunity while they buy and control the major media (to totally distort the narrative).

Remember that Sirius had many clients in the British government, so will cops lift the rock above this rattlesnake?

We still have a lot of material and ample evidence on this subject, but we shall continue another day in the future parts.

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023, 9:56 am

In Summertime We Now Have Wintertime-Like Death (Mortality) Levels in the UK

I‘VE just taken a snapshot of the figures posted about an hour ago, showing that from 10059 deaths in week 17 of 2019 (before COVID-19 broke out) we rose to 12152, or an increase of 2093 deaths for the week. That’s an increase of 21%. Health emergency, right? Just don’t ask our government for comment… they’d rather not discuss this or investigate the cause/s.



Tuesday, May 16th, 2023, 9:41 am

Less Than a Handful Left at Sirius ‘Open Source’

Video download link | md5sum b43a8714d95a926e3a638b57659a2470
Quite Likely Last Year of Sirius
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: The situation at Sirius ‘Open Source’ is getting grimmer by the day or by the week; there’s almost nobody left at the company and those who are still there look for a way out, an escape from the sinking ship

THE crimes of Sirius aside, as the police investigates these too slowly (as expected all along and right from the start), today we take a quick look at the company as seen from the eyes of Microsoft (LinkedIn). There seems to be almost nobody left there; from what we can gather, it’s a very contingency-based semi-operational mode, trying to retain what’s left of the contracts. A couple of months ago a reasonably new employee was given more authority, as others left the company, creating a highly critical skills vacuum.

Will the company reach its 25th anniversary? That doesn’t seem so likely. For privacy reasons the video above does not show the screen and instead I’m reading or explaining what I am seeing before me (on a separate computer).

Sunday, May 14th, 2023, 6:40 pm

Over Three Weeks and Action Fraud is Missing in Action (MIA)

Video download link | md5sum 760d7ca0d833706de57ab9de7dd5c620
Sirius Disappearing Faster Than Police Holds It Accountable
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: The crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ have caught up with the management, which is leaving in droves; but the British police has made no visible progress in over 3 weeks since a report was filed, in effect delaying enough for the company to vanish and hide some more

THE VIDEO above explains the latest situation at the company I left this past December. It stole money from employees for over half a decade. These employees had suspicions, but the company was evasive about the matter. Earlier this year we got all the formal confirmations (evidence) we needed and reported the matter to Action Fraud.

How about a police force that can allocate endless pounds to protect an old monarch but cannot even respond for nearly a month to a serious complaint of fraud, impacting many people and amounting to several prestigious cars (like the ones the CEO was amassing)?

The worry here is the company might change name or dissolve, then pretend to have vanished, then resurface under another name and legal entity/identity. It’s a worryingly common modus operandi, which mustn’t be tolerated by the police, the tax authorities etc. So we need to prevent that in order to protect others from abuse. There’s already [cref 171986 censorship happening] (gagging the victims!) and time is running out if the CEO is hiding money in all sorts of places, or even bank accounts of friends and relatives. This won’t end well and we shall pursue the matter till the bitter end. The video above says a lot more.

Friday, May 12th, 2023, 10:24 am

Will Anyone Be Left at Sirius to Turn the Lights Off? Sirius ‘Open Source’ Manager (Who Doesn’t Use Open Source) Has Left the Building.

With the company decimated, will cops have anything left to salvage?

Mr. Kink has left Sirius

Summary: The above shows that Sirius ‘Open Source’ has lost the person who was most authorised to access and manage systems, not only clients’ but systems of Sirius itself; this means the company has about 3 full-time staff left (when I left in December it pretended to have 15 staff)

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