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In line with Form 2 (page [*]), but from a broader, more formal scope, here are some very rough estimates of expected milestones. The following chart summarises some of the milestones expected and the corresponding deadline dates.

Table: General time guidelines.
  Recommended completion date
Literature Report Submission December 15th, 2003
Literature Report Meeting December 22nd, 2003
Extension to code completed December 27th, 2003
Presentation February 2004
Resolving Project Plan January 2004
Progress Report Submission March 1st, 2004
First implementation working April 2004
Implementation entirely documented July 2004
Experiments performed August 2004
Continuation Report Viva completed August 25th, 2004

The Gantt chart below attempts to assure compliance with the deadlines and guarantee that progress will be made as anticipated.

Table: Progress Gantt chart.
  Dec/03 Jan/04 Feb/04 Mar/04 Apr/04
  May/04 Jun/04 Jul/04 Aug/04 Sep/04
Literature Report        
Work on existing code    
New implementation    
Continuation Report Viva          

Work division that is project-specific and a better summary of the technical aspects will be entirely left out. More accurate aims were formulated in Form 2 for completeness.

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