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Experimental Validation

The overlap-based and model-based approaches were validated and compared, using a dataset consisting of 36 transaxial mid-brain slices, extracted at equivalent levels from a set of T1-weighted 3D MR scans of different subjects. Eight manually annotated anatomical labels were used as the basis for the overlap method: L/R white matter, L/R grey matter, L/R lateral ventricle, and L/R caudate. The images were brought into alignment using an NRR algorithm based on MDL optimisation [18]. The resulting appearance model is shown in Figure 5. A test set of different mis-registrations was then created by applying smooth pseudo-random spatial warps to the registered images. These warps were based on biharmonic Clamped Plate Splines. Each warp was controlled by 25 randomly placed knot-points, each displaced in a random direction by a distance drawn from a Gaussian distribution whose mean controlled the average magnitude of pixel displacement over the whole image. Ten different warp instantiations were generated for each image at each of seven progressively increasing values of average pixel displacement. Registration quality was measured, for each level of registration degradation, using several variants of each of the proposed assessment methods.

The results of the validation experiment are shown in Figure 4. Note that $ O$ is expected to decrease with increasing perturbation of the registration, whilst $ G$ and $ S$ are expected to increase. All three metrics are generally well-behaved and show a monotonic response to increasing perturbation. This validates the model-based measures of registration quality, which are shown both to change monotonically with increasing perturbation of the registration and to correlate with the gold-standard approach based on manually annotated ground truth.

Figure 5: The sensitivities of the different registration assessment methods and their standard errors.

The results for different values of $ r$ (shuffle radius) and $ \alpha_{l}$ all demonstrate monotonic behaviour with increasing perturbation, but the slopes and errors vary systematically. This affects the size of perturbation that can be detected. To make a quantitative comparison of the different methods, we define the sensitivity, as a function of perturbation $ (\frac{1}{\overline{\sigma}})\frac{M-M_{0}}{d}$, where $ M$ is the quality measured for a given degree of deformation $ d$, $ M_{0}$ is the measured quality at registration (no deformation) and $ \overline{\sigma}$ is the mean error in the estimate of $ M$ over the range.

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Roy Schestowitz 2006-02-08