< Master index Index for Source/Evaluation >

Index for Source/Evaluation

Matlab files in this directory:

 eval_groupwise_multi_pointOPTIMISE_GROUPWISE: Uses PDF's to minimise group-wise complexity
 eval_groupwise_single_pointOPTIMISE_GROUPWISE_SINGLE_POINT: Uses PDF's to minimise group-wise complexity
 eval_mi_cps_warpEVAL_MI_CPS_WARP: get similarity score between CPS warped image and
 eval_mi_multi_warpEVAL_MI_MULTI_WARP: Applies a multi warp and evaluates the
 eval_model_cps_warpEVAL_MODEL_CPS_WARP: apply a simple warp and evaluate model
 eval_model_multi_warpEVAL_MODEL_MULTI_WARP: apply a composite (multi-point) warp and evaluate model
 eval_msdEVAL_MSD: Evaluate mean-square-difference between a model and
 eval_msd_cps_warpEVAL_MSD_CPS_WARP: get similarity score between CPS warped image and
 eval_msd_linear_warpEVAL_MSD_CPS_WARP: get similarity score between CPS warped image and
 eval_msd_multi_warpEVAL_MSD_MULTI_WARP: Applies a multi warp and evaluates the
 eval_nmi_cps_warpEVAL_NMI_CPS_WARP: get similarity score between CPS warped image and
 eval_nmi_multi_warpEVAL_NMI_MULTI_WARP: Applies a multi warp and evaluates the
 eval_wavelet_single_pointOPTIMISE_GROUPWISE: Uses PDF's to minimise group-wise complexity

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