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The Problem

  • To: "Harvey Tobkes" <harveyt@prodigy.net>
  • Subject: The Problem
  • From: "Roy Schestowitz" <sch@danielsorogon.com>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 08:05:50 -0000
  • Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, U.K.
  • References: <20030219010901.40814.qmail@web80215.mail.yahoo.com>
  • Reply-to: "Roy Schestowitz" <sch@danielsorogon.com>

If your kernel is crashing, it means you are experiencing a rare exception
for which you can blame:

1. A buggy program that screwed the Windows kernel (the very core of the
operating system).

2. Windows for failing to be robust and safe enough to endure the
installation of buggy program.

If I may say, installing new versions of programs is one thing I more than
discourage people to do. New releases requite more RAM (memory), therefore
usually slow down the computer and, in the case of my weak processor, this
proves to be crucial.


When you try to receive or send your mail a binary service is despatched and
it is causing an exception in the Kernel, causing it to shut itself down. No
matter which programs you uninstall, I do not believe the solution lies
there. I also wonder if Kazaa could possibly have any effect on the kernel


I think what you ought to do is keep a copy of your messages and address
books to begin with. I think your mail folder is by default at c:/program
files/common files/Microsoft/outlook express. Check the OE setting to make
sure and put these somewhere else on your harddrive. I don't know or
remember where the address book is located.

Now try to uninstall OE. This should not be problematic. Once it is erased,
I think you can either use a Win2000 CD to reinstall it or download it from
the net at www.microsoft.com.

Once you reinstall it, see if you can send and receive mail. If so, set it
to use the address books and mail folders that you have kept safe by either
overwriting the new files or setting a new mail folder under 'options...'.

I am writing all of this very quickly and I have plenty more to say. If you
are not sure about something I say or need to get some more information
before taking the next step, please let me know. I am very glad to be able
to help you.

Looking forward to some blue gradient background and nicely formatted


    _________________ ______ ______
 __/ Roy Schestowitz \______\______\____
| Web: www.danielsorogon.com/Webmaster |
| E-mail: sch@danielsorogon.com        |
----- Original Message -----
>From: "Harvey Tobkes" <harveyt@prodigy.net>
To: <sch@danielsorogon.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 1:09 AM
Subject: Good Hunch, No results

> I had downloaded an updated version of Kazaa at about the same time my
problems started. On a hunch that Kazaa could be screwing things up, I
uninstalled it. Well, it was a good idea but it did not work and I still
can't send or receive from Outlook. What if I uninstalled Outlook and
Reinstall from a back up disk I did  only about a week ago? I did cure the
problem of an error on Start Up buy downloading the file WUSLFLIB.DLL from
Google and Copy and Pasting it into the C drive. The Word and Excel files in
My Documents were not opening  so I put the MS Office 2000Disk in the D
Drive and did a Reeinstall/Repair and that cured that problem with the My
Document Files. Just this one KERNEL32.DLL problem remaining

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