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Re: The Aging Process in Florida

  • To: <harveyt@prodigy.net>
  • Subject: Re: The Aging Process in Florida
  • From: "Roy Schestowitz" <sch@danielsorogon.com>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 18:23:50 +0100
  • Organization: Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering, Victoria University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  • References: <MBBBLDMAFHDNCCKADPKMGEKDEKAA.harveyt@prodigy.net>
Your last few lines made me laugh. Brilliant!

Your E-mail led me to doing some thinking this morning. I have come to
realise that I have good genes to ensure a high life expectancy.

On my mother's side, I have a grandmother who is about 85 and her younger
sister is alive and in good condition. My grandfather Sammy died after
having Parkinson's disease which was due to his poor diet. He was in tip-top
shape beforehand and his brother's (just to make sure you remember, that's
Eli) looks are evidence of slow aging.

On my father's side, I lost a grandmother to lung cancer. She was always,
however, a symbol of a strong healthy woman. Her mother lived to be around
95 if I recall correctly and her sister is alive and well. I presume you
have seen both Schimon and Avner by now, both are about 80. They are in good
shape and enjoy life very much.

Overall, my point is that you made me realise something valuable. So thank

   Roy Schestowitz

   Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering
   Stopford Building, University of Manchester
   Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT, United Kingdom
   Telephone: +44 (0) 161 275 5570
   Facsimile: +44 (0) 161 275 5145

   Manchester Computing, Kilburn Building
   University of Manchester, Oxford Road
   Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom
   Telephone: +44 (0) 161 275 6042

   Electronic mail: sch@danielsorogon.com
   WWW:  http://www.danielsorogon.com/Webmaster
----- Original Message -----
>From: Harvey Tobkes
To: harveyt@prodigy.net
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 4:12 PM
Subject: The Aging Process in Florida

As you probably know, Florida has a significant population of people in
their 80,s and 90’s.

I have been fortunate enough to have a close relationship with 5

One was my next-door neighbors was a Hungarian Jew who was interned in a
Siberian prison camp. He died recently at age 94 after breaking his hip.
Miklosh was an inspiration! He stood 6 feet 3 inches tall, ramrod straight
and walked briskly. He and his wife Audrey cherished my grandson David who
loved to entertain them with a song or two. When David was 5 years old, I
brought him next door to meet the old couple and David would give a little
bow and then shake hands and ask if they would like him to sing, “Hatikvah”
in his Rabbi voice (which meant in a low, husky voice range). They would get
a little teary eyed at this little guy entertaining them and when he was
finished singing they always had some cookies or chocolates to offer and of
course, David did not refuse.

Another was, Ikey Massa the business partner of Anita’s father, whose mind
and memory at age 93 was as sharp as a tack. He died about a year ago but
his 92-year-old wife Anna still survives.

A third, Howard, 94, a gentleman from the Old School that became the
paramour of Anita’s cousin Alice after her husband died. Howard is very
articulate and very dapper with a finely trimmed moustache and a full head
of silvery hair. His father lived to age 101 and his mother survived to age
100, so how about that for longevity and good genetic history!

And the fourth is Greta Appel, a German Jewish lady that lives just down the
hallway. She is a volunteer worker at a local hospital, goes out to dinner
almost every night, Dresses like a fashion model and my grandson David once
struck up a conversation with her while she was sitting at poolside reading
a book.
David said to her, “Mrs. Appel, they should use your picture on a magazine
cover because you are the stereotype Grandmother.”

Now this last one is my favorite and a real inspiration and his name is
Morris Zipper. I made his acquaintance about 5 years ago on my daily walks
at the beach. Morris was born February 18th, 1911, which was the birth date
on his driver’s license. Yes! He owns a new Toyota and drives very well day
or night. He is very garrulous and many people are drawn to him and he talks
a blue streak on any topic, from his stock portfolio, the Middle East,
Einstein’s theory, whatever, he loves people and loves to chew your ear off.
I generally give him a friendly wave as I briskly walk by him, because if
you stop to say hello, you’re a dead duck. One day, as I passed Morris, I
realized he was reading a newspaper and he wasn’t wearing eyeglasses. I did
an about face and when I got in front of him, I was even more surprised
because Morris was reading The Wall Street Journal. I wanted to make him
feel my admiration so I told him that I was amazed that he did not need
glasses. He speaks 7 languages but he and I converse in Yiddish because
there is little chance for me to practice the language with anyone else.

Morris’ Reply translated to the English:

I don’t need glasses I have eyes like a cat
I have all my own teeth
I have all my hair
My hearing is perfect. If a mouse comes in the room and he pisses on a piece
in piece of cotton, I hear everything that’s going on

It was a bit rude and crude of me but I couldn’t help asking him, “ Morris,
if a pretty girl walks by in a Bikini what happens with your putz?”

Without missing a beat Morris replied, “ Mein putz, wenn ich shpiel mit em a
bissel ehr geht aroof”

(If I play with him a little he goes up.)

The aging process was certainly retarded by the genes nature gave this old
guy and I was astonished at what I heard but I had to tell him that time was
expiring on the parking meter and I had to go.

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