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phlogger versus AWStats

  • To: r@schestowitz.com
  • Subject: phlogger versus AWStats
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <roy@schestowitz.com>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 00:18:47 +0000
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 00:19:32 +0000
  • Envelope-to: r@schestowitz.com
  • Organization: Manchester University
  • User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

      Finally the delivery of pages is quick (must be a new host!). Congrats 
on the move and the high stats. It sounds as if you use AWStats.

      Comment by Roy Schestowitz â Sunday, 23 January 2005 @ 05:04:47

      Hi Roy,
      Yes, the new host is much quicker. More memory, faster processor, and 
      I use Power Phlogger for stats. The page counter is a five-minute bit of 
code I knocked together a couple of years ago. Iâve been using it ever since.

      Comment by mike â Sunday, 23 January 2005 @ 21:15:48

      Hi Mike,

      Just make sure you are at least aware of AWStats. Sample is given at:


      Comment by Roy Schestowitz â Monday, 24 January 2005 @ 02:13:28

      Thanks Roy, Iâll check it out. Though the reason I went with Pphlogger 
was because it tracks in real time, rather than processing the log files.


      Comment by mike â Monday, 24 January 2005 @ 22:54:20

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