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Re: [wp-hackers] 1.5.2

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

As yet another example, take Mozilla Firefox. The team lost a lot of motivation
and momentum after the series of 1.0.1-5(6?). There was supposed to be a
released of 1.1 in July this year (in accordance with the roadmap as of May),
but it was conceded due to complications. 1.5 will be the next release as a
consequence < http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/roadmap.html >.

The minor dot releases to Firefox were purely security fixes that as far as I'm concerned are necessary, there are no new features in these minor releases. The changing of the name of the next FF release to 1.1 -> 1.5 is purely due to the fact they have taken more features than was originally planned (Whether or not this is a good idea remains to be seen), it is exactly the same as Wordpress 1.3 actually being released as 1.5.

As far as I'm concerned a minor feature release of 1.5.2 is a good thing especially if a full security audit is performed with it.



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