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Re: Magnifying the Screen

  • To: r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Magnifying the Screen
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 13:23:26 +0100
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 13:56:00 +0100
  • Envelope-to: r@schestowitz.com
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You wrote:

>>>Well it's a few days down the line now, and I am learning everyday. The
>>>configurability of Linux is outstanding.
>>You already grasped it all? Well done. It took me years... honestly.
> Well I would not say 'grasped it' ....it's my interest though - why does
> it do/not that !!!! I will keep at it until I find out why. PLUS I have
> had some time off to 'play'

Play time is good, especially when you have plenty to play with (e.g.
many icons, themes and pieces of software).

>>>The problem is, being 'Gates' conditioned over very many years, you get
>>>'conditioned' into that mode yourself.
>>>I had both my Desktop and Laptop on dual boot, and all was fine until
>>e other morning, when my laptop would not boot into Windoze.
>>Assuming you put them on separate partitions (which you have), this must
>>have been a coincidence. The two are completely separate, so my guess is
>>that Windows just being itself.
> Correct ...... but it's GONE now!!!!!

My relative in Florida had a Windows ME failure 3 days ago.
Coincidentally, he ordered the Ubuntu CD about 5 days ago (not
anticipating the Windows failure) after years of frustration with
Windows. I am slightly worried about urging a 76-year-old car dealer (he
is a good friend of mine) to use Linux... *fingers crossed*

>>Try to find RPM installations. There are RPM files that you can
>>sometimes download. Once received fully, all you need to do is
>>double-click the icon and it's 'magic time'. yast2 should take care of
>>installation. Package management is still maturing...
>>many thanks again Roy ... I'm off to 'play' again.
> Ooh yes my 'installation' story (see above) ..... Installing Suse from
> CD .... all went VERY smoothly and quickly, UNTIL it asked for my screen
> size in mm as it did not recognise the screen size (it's a 15.4"
> widescreen on the Laptop)
> I then get a 'senior moment' and put my screen size as 1024 x 786 (I
> know, I know) so Suse dutifully re-boots and I get micro icons with even
> more micro wording underneath ........

That's what my older colleague say when they /try/ to use my machine.
More pixels = more information... until I start wearing glasses.

> yep I can't see it to change
> anything. So I have another 'senior moment' with a senior moment
> 'brilliant idea' combined. I get a large magnifying glass to view my
> laptop screen (bearing in mind I have not yet seen a Suse screenshot, so
> don't really know what I am doing, and don't wish to mess up my shiny
> new install) So there I am large magnifying glass in hand, trying to see
> what is on the screen (to change the resolution so I can see the flaming
> thing) when the wife walks in "What are you doing dear?" ......... Erm
> er Oh nothing dear ..  :-|

*LOL* I thought it was the KDE Magnifier. I think you can add it to your
dock in case you ever need it.

> Of course the magnifying glass idea (real live one - not the 'on screen'
> one ...... which I can't find because I can't see) was completely
> useless, all it did of course was magnify the screen pixels ....

This might be helpful if the display is very, very dense.

> Re-installed Suse with the PROPER screen size this time !! Fine.

I think I have heard funnier stories such as people complaining about
the cupholder (CD drive) that doesn't manage to hold the cups properly.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2-rc1-SuSE (GNU/Linux)


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