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Re: [wp-hackers] Setup font madness

Gnome has nothing to do with the fonts used, X11 (XFree86/Xorg) does. While
I'm not sure what distribution you're running, gentoo-wiki (
http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Xorg_and_Fonts) has a great guide (again,
Gentoo-specific) that makes the fonts look cleaner, more proportional, and
more like you would be used to if you were using Windows XP (with ClearType

On 11/3/05, Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> _____/ On Thu 03 Nov 2005 23:43:37 GMT, [Mark Rosenstand] wrote : \_____
> > Hey list,
> >
> > I was wondering if you are aware of how ugly the WordPress setup is on a
> > default GNOME desktop.
> >
> > http://borkware.net/~mark/wp-setup.png
> > http://borkware.net/~mark/wp-login.png
> Putting aside the fact that "madness" is an overstatement to describe what
> I see above, it is a matter of which distribution you happen to be using.
> It varies depending on which fonts you happen to have installed. I agree,
> however, that font sets can always be made more generous. Have you in-
> stalled any TrueType fonts packages yet? If not, you are likely to see
> more of the same in other Web sites.
> I have just tried Ubuntu (GNOME) on a remote host, just as a proof of con-
> cept. It all looked fine to me, i.e. no low-resultion fonts. Catering for
> each individual distro (they come with different fonts) is hard. The least
> you can do is download more packages of font. There are no less for 20
> such packages in SuSE 9.3. The Microsoft(R) TTF package seems to cover
> most circumstances.
> Hope it helps,
> Roy
> --
> Roy S. Schestowitz
> http://Schestowitz.com
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