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Re: [wp-hackers] Cheap webhosts

_____/ On Wed 12 Oct 2005 16:07:27 BST, [Bruce Alderson] wrote : \_____

I personally recommend http://www.dreamhost.com/  Very reasonable, PHP,
MySQL, full ssh access.

I rarely require SSH access. SSH is merely a luxury that one can adapt to by
changing a few habits e.g. using command-line rather than front-ends to file
management. The last thing I want to do is move away from hosts that served me
so well with approximately 99.9% uptime, even now that I suffer the spam
equivalent of the Slashdot Effect on a daily basis.

I think I once read about Dreamhost.com banning a user from establishment of
database connections as he was hammering it too hard. That sounds incompetent
to me as they appeared to have not preceded the move with a gentle warning.
That's the problem with large 'meat market' companies that perceive their
clients as 'little people'.

That's certainly not their standard practice, and if it did happen it's more likely that the user was not telling the whole story. I've hosted with dozens of hosts over the last ten years, and dreamhost is easily the most friendly.

As in many circumstances, I hear what you say about denial of crucial facts and
I agree. Like one of these "my password doesn't work, so it MUST be YOUR fault"
type-of-situations. Or a "by the way, I re-installed my operating system
yesterday. Can THAT be why VPN no longer works, as opposed to a problem at your
end?" situation.

I've had several instances of zombied processes, and a few slashdottings (well, boingboingings) on my own sites. Dreamhost didn't punish me for the events, rather they forgave the high bandwidth on those days (saving me hundreds of dollars). A good host, by my measure.

I'm not sure I'd call ssh a luxury either. As a developer (often of web applications), tools like scp, and rsync are minimally required for keeping large sites synchronized. Having tools like CVS, too, make the life of a web dev really quite nice. Try to live without those, with only FTP, SMB or web forms? You would be wasting a lot of time incrementally updating by hand (or uploading the whole damned thing).

I guess it depends on the nature of the site. gFTP and Konqueror multi-thread
FTP traffic so they are not too bad as an SCP alternative. CVS is intended to
serve sites whose purpose in unorthodox, unless the host is not a /Web/ host or
content is tightly-correlated to programming or documentation. I run CVS and
MATLAB on one such Web server which I SSH to, but it's only accessible to the
Faculty and is located in the server room a few metres to my left. Such servers
are prone to breakage and are unlikely to be maintained by or be considered good
business to Web hosts (for a reasonable price). It's a niche.


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