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Re: [wp-hackers] Wordpress 1.5 downloads

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

Considering Robert's downgrade script, previous versions ought to be made quick
to discover. Having said that, what about exploits in older versions? A "drink
you own poision" policy? Perhaps the 'risk factor' can be indicated e.g. by
putting them apart in a subdirectory?

The sensible policy is that one continues to make security and bug fixes in the stable branch, even if one does not add new features to that. Apache is still supporting 1.3, for instance; and many large sites like IBiblio prefer it. If that's not planned for WordPress by the current maintainers, then perhaps it might be time for those who, like myself, prefer 1.5, to consider a 1.5 fork version.

ïElliotte Rusty Harold  elharo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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