_____/ On Mon 02 Jan 2006 07:07:41 GMT, [Aaron Brazell] wrote : \_____
In principle, you could also make use of the memory (e.g. the clipboard).
What on earth are you talking about? The clipboard? As in Windows?
What about for non-Windows users?
They have a Clipboard Tool as well. Mac OS has it; KDE uses Klipper to
retain a
stack of clipboards; older window managers have one too. I said "in principle"
because I don't believe this to be a good solution.
Dumping copies to volatile memory wouldn't enable recovery from reboots.
will, however, compensate for browser crashes, editting 'hiccup' and so
What do you think "the clipboard" is? Maybe you're referring to the
pagefile? That's also volatile memory... I'm lost...
The clipboard is somewhat of a memory frame. And yes, they are all
volatile, but
there have been times in the past when I lost work not due to a power
outage. As
long as your work is somewhere in memory, you can pull it back. The
question is:
should it be written to a remote computer (server) or should it be
saved locally
somehow? Cookies are local, hidden fields are remote. What if you lose
your post
because the server has just gone down? Some hosts are unreliable.
I initially thought about a reserved post slug, which only serves as an
emergency copy, a last resort. This doesn't have to be anything
mission-critical. Users would happy enough be restore /any/ bit of lost
If it has a post slug, or even just an ID which is what unpublished
works have, then it has been saved to the database. Or are we
referring to the clipboard again?
No, I was referring to an issue that was discussed before -- the issue
of having
orphan posts in the database (these which used to be backups).
I wonder if mouse motion can somehow be detected without JavaScript
It might be useful here.
Only through Flash. Anything you do along these lines needs to
incorporate javascript in some way if it is on the client side.
I'm not trying to be hostile and I don't mean to discourage your
I know, I know. No hard feelings.