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Re: [wp-hackers] ATAG Compliance

  • To: wp-hackers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [wp-hackers] ATAG Compliance
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 05:29:07 +0000
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 05:29:08 +0000
  • Envelope-to: s@schestowitz.com
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  • References: <43DEC504.6050707@mullenweg.com> <012901c6260d$d1359d60$6402a8c0@DELL8600> <43DEEB4B.9080903@myelin.co.nz>
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_____/ On Tue 31 Jan 2006 04:44:59 GMT, [Phillip Pearson] wrote : \_____

Michael E. Hancock wrote:

From: "Matt Mullenweg" <m@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Joe Clark[1] has graciously run down the Authoring Tool Accesibility Guidelines and graded WordPress on each point. His findings are here:


There are some opportunities for improvement here. Joe has said we're free to put it in the Codex if someone wants to volunteer for that.

First pass at: http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_ATAG_Evaluation


btw - section 3.1 - I think the ATAG document is suggesting a preview mode that renders HTML like Lynx does, i.e. one that displays alternative content INSTEAD of the primary content. There's no contraction here - this is not your usual preview mode, it's a *second* preview mode that shows how your HTML will appear to users who can't view images, etc.


I think that would miss the point of incorporating previews entirely. If the developer wishes to make content more accessible, there are better auxiliary tools that are not bound to WordPress and in no way cripple the newbie.

Many users of WordPress needed to make pages/posts public prematurely. The
preview  part,  which can be bandwidth- and CPU-consuming is  intended  to
avoid  that.  In 2.0 custom stylesheets are included too, which is  excel-

A good point was made by Joe with regards to IE's handling of alt. Writing
valid  XHTML in S5, for example, makes presentations terribly messy.  This
should  be treated as a design bug, not a behaviour to be taken for grant-
ed.  Overall,  I  very much like Joe's appraisal, so it ought to  be  read
carefully and thoroughly.

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