_/ On Mon 06 Feb 2006 19:20:58 GMT, [Horacio] wrote : \__
Hello all,
I use LyX 1.3.5 in suse 9.0. I'm writing a scientific document that
will have around 200 pages or more, with a lot of equations, figures
and tables.
One month ago there was no problem for my to work with the document,
although it took some minutes to "render" the document to PDF (using
option View ---> PDF). So after I considered the possibility to work
with different files for every new section of the document because in
this way it would be faster the individual compilation. I added the
new lyx files into the big document using the option
"Insert--->File", and selecting after "External" or "Include",
indifferently. Using this method each new section was written very
fast, because I could compile only these part and see the changes.
After I had included 4 new sections (4 new files) I tried to compile
the whole document with no problem, but it took a lot of time, more
than an hour. Anyway I continued working, but my problem now is that
I have 10 new section and the compilation of the document is not
feasible. Last weekend I left my computer compiling during 2 days and
today it was already working in it !!
I've tried with "View--->DVI", but it takes also a lot of time. I've
searched for info in the lyx mail list, but nothing related with my
Later I've done a test; I've removed all the "includes", so the
document doesn't has to "load" the external lyx files, and in this
case the compilation was OK and it took some minutes. In other test
I've created a new empty lyx document and I've added the 10 sections
with the "Insert--->File" option, and in this case the document was
compiled on one minute !!!
So now I'm blocked and I don't know what to do. Maybe there is a bug
with lyx or I think that as I use a lot of different figure formats
(jpg,bmp and eps) the program can't handle this, but I don't think
so; lyx is announced capable of working with very big documents. I've
also observed that telling lyx not to use the "temp" directory,
sometimes the compilation is faster, am I right ? Using a temporary
directory makes the compilation of a document slower ?
Could somebody help me ?
Thanks in advance.
I once used LyX to compile a 200-page report, which contained many (~40)
detailed figures in encapsulated PostScript format. The whole beast took
about 1-2 minutes to compile and view as PDF. What hardware are you run-
ning this on? At later stages, I considered running LyX remotely (via SSH)
on idle computational servers and I now do so exclusively.
Is the separation into multiple files (a notoriety attributed to bloat
like page-preview-on-the-fly WYSIWYG) not conflicting with TOC's? What
about the need to search the entire document (all chapters at once)? I am
not criticising your choice, but I think you might be overcomplicating
matters for yourself.
If the primary issue is LyX grinding to a halt (getting locked) throughout
compilation, consider workarounds like multiple sessions of LyX or editing
the commands to enable pipelining ('&' in *nix).
To digress, let us think of some workaround. Choose not to generate and
revierw every small change as you go along because it is time-consuming.
Iterate entire pages instead. If it helps, open a small new document,
write the necessary bits in isolation and view as DVI. When happy, copy
and paste to large document.
Hope it helps,
Roy S. Schestowitz
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