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Re: [wp-testers] WP installation infrastructure statistics?

On 3/16/06, Roy Schestowitz <wp-lowtraffic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ___/ On Thu 16 Mar 2006 17:18:44 GMT, [ lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ] wrote :
> \___
> Welcome to the list, Lloyd.
> > http://codex.wordpress.org /User:Matt/WordPress_Responsibilities
> >
> > Lays out testing various components of the Wordpress infrastructure
> > such as PHP and MySQL.
> There are no true "infrastructure components" unless you come to consider
> plug-ins. There are third-party components, however, such as TinyMCE,
> which
> serves as a WYSIWYG front-end to composition.

Maybe, I should not used the term "components".

Are users mostly use:
What Operating System?
What web server?
What version of PHP do most users have?
What version of MySQL?
Other common details of their configuration?

Are there newer versions (different web server?) that are likely to be
adopted in a significant manner this year?
Peace be in you,
Lloyd D Budd
http://www.foolswisdom.com/~lloyd/ <http://www.foolswisdom.com/%7Elloyd/>
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