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Re: [wp-forums] We need to be friendly.

___/ On Thu 13 Apr 2006 23:32:55 BST, [ Craig ] wrote : \___

Very interesting points, Roy. I have always appreciated your contributions
to WP in general, as I have with many others. I agree 100% that some basic
courtesy is more than needed, and I for one have always enjoyed it when
somebody takes a brief moment to offer a thank you for some assistance I

Many times an OP will not even return to their thread; whether that means
they have given up or have found the solution, who is to know? But expecting
help and not reciprocating in kind is just plain rude. I don't know how we
could effectively compel people to do this, given the limitations of bbPress
and the nature of support in general.

All I can offer is that people who care about the project and enjoy the
contributions that they make must take a leadership role. That means being
friendly, remaining calm and civil, and modelling desired behaviour by
offering thanks and words of encouragement and appreciation.

I strongly recommend the following as light reading: [smile /]


This shows you how prejudiced veterans have inevitably become in UseNet.
This happened for exactly the same reasons that you mention. Now, if only
you could expose some extra information about the posters in wp.org Forums
(profile maybe), I am sure this would be used more often as a discriminant.

Maybe bbPress could have a karma button so that a person could click on it
to show appreciation for someone. I dunno, that's totally off the wall, but
regardless, the theme of this thread is an important one and speaks to the
quality of those involved in the day-to-day goings-on dans le monde de

Nuclear Moose.

I have seen a variety of support-related CMS's (helpdesk software) where the
participants can rate the response or flag something to indicate its

Best wishes,


PS - sorry for the laggy/slow responses. I am slow while on vacation.

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