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Re: [wp-hackers] Is WordPress Development Slowing Down?

Purely my opinion, but:

On 5/15/06, Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Could  it be time to radically extend and make WordPress an out-of-the-box
CMS?  Or maybe produce a separate, standalone package (a derivative)? Many
people  seek CMS software. They love WordPress for many reasons, but  they
eventually settle for something like Drupal. In newsgroups, I find it hard
to  convince people to use WordPress as a CMS. With the number of bloggers
exceeding  100 million quite soon, I suppose my point of contension  might
be void.

No, no, and NO. I don't need a "site-in-a-box" when I just want to write a little bit.

Yes, the majority of development has gone to wordpress.com

wordpress.com, Akismet, and of course getting out into the social
world and advertising, speaking, etc.
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