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RE: [wp-hackers] Moved from BlogWare to WordPress - Need Help

> You may or may not know that the permalink style is highly
> customizable.  In addition to the standard date naming and id
> naming conventions, you can create your own.  So, if you'd prefer
> using something closer to BlogWare's style, you could go to your
> options page and into the Permalinks tab and choose the custom
> option to add your own style.

I hate BlogWare and it's un-SEO'ed URLs. ;) In reflecting on all the
options, I'm thinking the date / date redirect is going to be the easiest
for most visitors until Google catches up. I've already uploaded a new
sitemap (yeah, I caught that plugin, Roy). It's just figuring out the right
sequence / regular expression to use.

Looks as though I removed a plugin without also removing the code (been
trying to port UltimateTagWarrior to insert META keywords in the header to
no avail). If you wanna see what I've slapped together:


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