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Re: [wp-hackers] SimplePie in WP

On 8/19/06, Geoffrey Sneddon <foolistbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

2006-08-16 isn't up there, and there was a discussion about replacing Magpie with it (as Magpie is now rarely updated, its support for RSS 2.0 is sketchy, yet alone any Atom 1.0 support).

Just an FYI, I've been working on a new release of Magpie with an entirely re-written parser. Something to do on the commute since moving to SF last month. Hoping to get a preview release out in the next few days. It will have bugs, and missing features as is the nature of preview releases, but will mostly work, and mostly be backwards compatible.

And there are a couple of features in there which might be useful for
Wordpress (once we've got an actual release)

One, WP seems to prefer (as do many folks) to have a library
distributed as a single file, its not my preference, but I'll be
concating together a single file version as part of releases.  Long
standing feature request.

Two, the HTTP client, and perhaps more interestingly (for WP) the
cache backend is pluggable.  WP has been maintaing a forked version of
the 0.51 release that was patched to use wp-options table as a cache
backend.  Won't be neccessary to fork to do that with this version, so
hopefully a WP version wouldn't drift so far.  Its a feature I've
wanted for my own projects for a while, but also one I added for
specifically for projects like Wordpress which are embedding Magpie.

We're currently doing a bunch of Atom 1.0 related work at work (e.g.
support the new Blogger beta API) so Atom support will definitely be
there with bells on.

Use the info as you will, but if you're interested drop me a line, and
I'll make sure to let you know when PR1 is out.

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