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Re: [horde] Filters "(NOT)CONTAINS" Versus "IS"

Zitat von Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

___/ On Mon 21 Aug 2006 23:13:13 BST, [ Jan Schneider ] wrote : \___

Zitat von Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi all,

I have a question to ask about filters. Ever since a recent upgrade of Horde, I have been faced with a problem. In the past I had a filter that said if <FIELD> "IS" <STRING> then <ACTION>

However, conditions appear to have changed. I no longer have the "IS" (exact match) condition. There is only "CONTAINS" and "DOES NOT CONTAIN" contain. As a result, I am forced to wade through a lot of spam. Is there any trick for specifying that a field should be an exact match? In this case, I wish to move messages sent to r@DOMAIN, but the filters will also catch somethingr@DOMAIN (notice the "r" at the end).

Which Ingo version and which backend do you use?


Hi Jan,

Judging by the message headers, it's version 4.1.1 of Horde. I don't

This is neither a valid Horde nor Ingo version.

know what version of Ingo, I'm afraid. It's a Red Hat server on which I have just user's privileges.

Then tell your administrator to talk to us.


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