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[wp-hackers] WP-Hackers Stats for July 2008

  �  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  �  Statistics span a period of one month

� Subject line formatted consistently "WP-Hackers Stats for <MONTH> <YEAR>"

  �  Killfile <subject contains "WP-Hackers Stats for "> if uninterested

Stats for wp-hackers
***** People who have written most messages:
|  1 | viper viper007bond.com                       |   36 |  9.86 % |
|  2 | otto ottodestruct.com                        |   35 |  9.59 % |
|  3 | wp-hackers striderweb.com                    |   24 |  6.58 % |
|  4 | jason intraffic.net                          |   14 |  3.84 % |
|  5 | wordpress dd32.id.au                         |   12 |  3.29 % |
|  6 | joost joostdevalk.nl                         |   12 |  3.29 % |
|  7 | xavier borderie.net                          |   10 |  2.74 % |
|  8 | gaarai gaarai.com                            |    9 |  2.47 % |
|  9 | wordpress santosj.name                       |    9 |  2.47 % |
| 10 | steagl4ml gmail.com                          |    8 |  2.19 % |
| 11 | emmensetech gmail.com                        |    7 |  1.92 % |
| 12 | ionfish gmail.com                            |    6 |  1.64 % |
| 13 | jdingman gmail.com                           |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 14 | wpHackersList anschitech.de                  |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 15 | wordpress anekostudios.com                   |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 16 | speedboxer gmail.com                         |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 17 | wp xentek.net                                |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 18 | if.website gmail.com                         |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 19 | omry yadan.net                               |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 20 | jer-wphackers simianuprising.com             |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 21 | cpoteet siolon.com                           |    4 |  1.10 % |
| 22 | kaspars konstruktors.com                     |    4 |  1.10 % |
| 23 | Gerhard.Brauckmann mi-verlag.de              |    4 |  1.10 % |
| 24 | barry automattic.com                         |    4 |  1.10 % |
| 25 | jeremy.visser gmail.com                      |    4 |  1.10 % |
|    | other                                        |  123 | 33.70 % |

***** Best authors, by total size of their messages (w/o quoting):
|  1 | otto ottodestruct.com                                |   23.0 |
|  2 | viper viper007bond.com                               |   18.5 |
|  3 | wp-hackers striderweb.com                            |   16.1 |
|  4 | xavier borderie.net                                  |   13.7 |
|  5 | wordpress santosj.name                               |   10.0 |
|  6 | wordpress dd32.id.au                                 |    9.4 |
|  7 | paschein earthlink.net                               |    7.2 |
|  8 | george pearcedev.com                                 |    7.2 |
|  9 | gaarai gaarai.com                                    |    6.5 |
| 10 | emmensetech gmail.com                                |    6.2 |
| 11 | Gerhard.Brauckmann mi-verlag.de                      |    6.0 |
| 12 | jason intraffic.net                                  |    5.8 |
| 13 | steagl4ml gmail.com                                  |    5.7 |
| 14 | joost joostdevalk.nl                                 |    5.2 |
| 15 | kodieg gmail.com                                     |    5.0 |
| 16 | wordpress anekostudios.com                           |    4.8 |
| 17 | foolistbar googlemail.com                            |    4.4 |
| 18 | Webbed.Pete gmail.com                                |    4.1 |
| 19 | jdingman gmail.com                                   |    3.7 |
| 20 | jer-wphackers simianuprising.com                     |    3.3 |
| 21 | glenn glennansley.com                                |    3.1 |
| 22 | ron cavemonkey50.com                                 |    3.1 |
| 23 | lists frozenpc.net                                   |    3.1 |
| 24 | saddor gmail.com                                     |    2.8 |
| 25 | jeremy.visser gmail.com                              |    2.7 |

***** Best authors, by average size of their message (w/o quoting):
|  1 | paschein earthlink.net                                |  7357 |
|  2 | kodieg gmail.com                                      |  2546 |
|  3 | george pearcedev.com                                  |  2446 |
|  4 | foolistbar googlemail.com                             |  2260 |
|  5 | Webbed.Pete gmail.com                                 |  2123 |
|  6 | suptodipto gmail.com                                  |  1951 |
|  7 | ron cavemonkey50.com                                  |  1589 |
|  8 | Gerhard.Brauckmann mi-verlag.de                       |  1548 |
|  9 | xavier borderie.net                                   |  1401 |
| 10 | niladam gmail.com                                     |  1319 |
| 11 | andrew fergcorp.com                                   |  1278 |
| 12 | andre pixelplexus.co.za                               |  1244 |
| 13 | wordpress santosj.name                                |  1139 |
| 14 | abelcheung gmail.com                                  |  1123 |
| 15 | joelstarnes gmail.com                                 |  1063 |
| 16 | lists frozenpc.net                                    |  1042 |
| 17 | james freecharity.org.uk                              |  1039 |
| 18 | wordpress anekostudios.com                            |   979 |
| 19 | saddor gmail.com                                      |   959 |
| 20 | yahgrp poplarware.com                                 |   954 |
| 21 | dbisset dimensionmedia.com                            |   919 |
| 22 | emmensetech gmail.com                                 |   904 |
| 23 | tonyscott100 yahoo.co.uk                              |   902 |
| 24 | lists07 wiltgen.net                                   |   898 |
| 25 | jer simianuprising.com                                |   824 |

***** Table showing the most successful subjects:
|  1 | [wp-hackers] load_plugin_textdomain()        |   23 |  6.30 % |
|  2 | [wp-hackers] Re: Plugins & CSS, embeded vs l |   20 |  5.48 % |
|  3 | [wp-hackers] Re: Spam Karma goes GPL         |   18 |  4.93 % |
|  4 | [wp-hackers] WP_Rewrite: Disable post/Page p |   17 |  4.66 % |
|  5 | [wp-hackers] Re: SVN for wp-plugins.org inac |   16 |  4.38 % |
|  6 | [wp-hackers] WordPress eXtended RSS DTD      |   14 |  3.84 % |
|  7 | [wp-hackers] WP_SITEURL and db update        |   14 |  3.84 % |
|  8 | [wp-hackers] Restrict search results?        |   11 |  3.01 % |
|  9 | [wp-hackers] Logging a WPMU user into two di |   10 |  2.74 % |
| 10 | [wp-hackers] Block comments for some IP      |   10 |  2.74 % |
| 11 | [wp-hackers] [WPSoC][Mid-term update] codeWo |    9 |  2.47 % |
| 12 | [wp-hackers] "Outdated plugin" notice (was:  |    9 |  2.47 % |
| 13 | [wp-hackers] Adding Your Own Gravatar To opt |    8 |  2.19 % |
| 14 | [wp-hackers] 2.6: Pictures are uploaded to t |    8 |  2.19 % |
| 15 | [wp-hackers] Plugin Problem - Working someti |    8 |  2.19 % |
| 16 | [wp-hackers] need a little nudge             |    8 |  2.19 % |
| 17 | [wp-hackers] Akismet going spastic           |    7 |  1.92 % |
| 18 | [wp-hackers] wp_enque_script and conditional |    7 |  1.92 % |
| 19 | [wp-hackers] Slow w/ Permalinks              |    7 |  1.92 % |
| 20 | [wp-hackers] Summer of Code: Plugin Installa |    6 |  1.64 % |
| 21 | [wp-hackers] Using ajax in admin plugin for  |    6 |  1.64 % |
| 22 | [wp-hackers] Plugin Standard Suggestion for  |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 23 | [wp-hackers] Source Code for WP.com shortcod |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 24 | [wp-hackers] Is get_plugin_data "expensive"? |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 25 | [wp-hackers] WP 2.6 :: Image button          |    5 |  1.37 % |
|    | other                                        |  109 | 29.86 % |

***** Most used email clients:
|  1 | Google Mail/Other                            |  163 | 44.66 % |
|  2 | Apple Mail (2.926)                           |   40 | 10.96 % |
|  3 | Thunderbird (Windows/20080421)      |   28 |  7.67 % |
|  4 | Apple Mail (2.928.1)                         |   21 |  5.75 % |
|  5 | Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)      |   21 |  5.75 % |
|  6 | Apple Mail (2.753.1)                         |   10 |  2.74 % |
|  7 | G2/1.0                                       |    9 |  2.47 % |
|  8 | Hamster-Pg/1.25                              |    8 |  2.19 % |
|  9 | Opera Mail/9.51 (Win32)                      |    6 |  1.64 % |
| 10 | Opera Mail/9.52 (Win32)                      |    6 |  1.64 % |
| 11 | Apple Mail (2.924)                           |    6 |  1.64 % |
| 12 | Evolution                           |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 13 | Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080509)  |    5 |  1.37 % |
| 14 | Lotus Notes Release 6.5                      |    4 |  1.10 % |
| 15 | Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0                |    4 |  1.10 % |
| 16 | Evolution 2.22.2                             |    3 |  0.82 % |
| 17 | SquirrelMail/1.4.10a                         |    3 |  0.82 % |
| 18 | iPod Mail (5A347)                            |    3 |  0.82 % |
| 19 | Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080707)    |    3 |  0.82 % |
| 20 | Thunderbird (X11/20080624)          |    3 |  0.82 % |
| 21 | Pegasus Mail for Win                         |    2 |  0.55 % |
| 22 | KMail                                        |    2 |  0.55 % |
| 23 | Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)      |    2 |  0.55 % |
| 24 | Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.6)  |    2 |  0.55 % |
| 25 | YahooMailRC/1042.40 YahooMailWebService/0.7. |    1 |  0.27 % |
|    | other                                        |    5 |  1.37 % |

***** Table of maximal quoting:
|  1 | paul codehooligans.com                              | 81.86 % |
|  2 | omry yadan.net                                      | 77.72 % |
|  3 | wordpress tekartist.org                             | 76.80 % |
|  4 | jared pacific22.com                                 | 75.29 % |
|  5 | joost joostdevalk.nl                                | 72.31 % |
|  6 | donncha linux.ie                                    | 72.00 % |
|  7 | ryanmccue cubegames.net                             | 70.33 % |
|  8 | charles.freesmelvin gmail.com                       | 69.26 % |
|  9 | les lcb.me.uk                                       | 68.75 % |
| 10 | viper viper007bond.com                              | 68.35 % |
| 11 | gaarai gaarai.com                                   | 66.89 % |
| 12 | joseph randomnetworks.com                           | 66.56 % |
| 13 | lists lcb.me.uk                                     | 66.25 % |
| 14 | kodie mimuw.edu.pl                                  | 64.99 % |
| 15 | sunburntkamel gmail.com                             | 64.87 % |
| 16 | jason intraffic.net                                 | 64.37 % |
| 17 | m marcosmedia.com                                   | 63.72 % |
| 18 | alex buayacorp.com                                  | 63.66 % |
| 19 | speedboxer gmail.com                                | 62.97 % |
| 20 | glenn glennansley.com                               | 62.28 % |
| 21 | travis makeuseof.com                                | 60.38 % |
| 22 | ah125i gmail.com                                    | 59.98 % |
| 23 | bnabble says.mu                                     | 59.68 % |
| 24 | alan verselogic.net                                 | 58.85 % |
| 25 | scribu gmail.com                                    | 56.61 % |
|    | average                                             | 47.27 % |

***** Graph showing number of messages written during hours of day:

100% -------------------#---#------------------------- - 31
 90% -------------------#---#---------------#--------- msgs
 80% -------------------#---#-----#-----#---#---#-----
 70% -------------------#---#-----#-----#---#---#-----
 60% -------------------#-#-#-#---#-----#---#---#-----
 50% -------------------#-#-#-#-#-#-----#---#---#-----
 40% -#---------------#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---
 30% -#-------------#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
 20% -#-------------#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
 10% -#-#-#-#-----#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hour  0         5           11          17          23

***** Graph showing number of messages written during days of month:

100% -------------------------------#------------------------------- - 34
 90% ---------------------------#---#------------------------------- msgs
 80% ---------------------------#---#-------------------------#-----
 70% ---------------------------#---#---------------#-#-------#-----
 60% ---------------------------#---#---------------#-#-----#-#-----
 50% ---------------------------#-#-#-------#-------#-#-----#-#-----
 40% ---------------------#-----#-#-#-------#-----#-#-#-----#-#-----
 30% ---------------#-#---#-----#-#-#---#---#-----#-#-#-----#-#-----
 20% -------------#-#-#-#-#-#---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---#-#-#-----#-#-#---
 10% ---#---------#-#-#-#-#-#---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---
      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 day  1         6           12          18          24            31

***** Graph showing number of messages written during days of week:

100% ---------#------------------- - 76
 90% -#-------#------------------- msgs
 80% -#---#---#-------------------
 70% -#---#---#-------#-----------
 60% -#---#---#---#---#-----------
 50% -#---#---#---#---#-----------
 40% -#---#---#---#---#-----------
 30% -#---#---#---#---#---#---#---
 20% -#---#---#---#---#---#---#---
 10% -#---#---#---#---#---#---#---
      *   *   *   *   *   *   *
     Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

***** Maximal quoting:
      Author     : viper viper007bond.com
      Subject    : [wp-hackers] Restrict search results?
      Date       : Sun, 20 Jul 2008 17:58:54 -0700
      Quote ratio: 93.02% / 5704 bytes

***** Longest message:
      Author     : paschein earthlink.net
      Subject    : [wp-hackers] need a little nudge
      Date       : Thu, 24 Jul 2008 15:39:01 +0000
      Size       : 7357 bytes

***** Most successful subject:
      Subject    : [wp-hackers] load_plugin_textdomain()
      No. of msgs: 23
      Total size : 30918 bytes

***** Final summary:
      Total number of messages:             365
      Total number of different authors:    90
      Total number of different subjects:   78
      Total size of messages (w/o headers): 504651 bytes
      Average size of a message:            1382 bytes

***** Generated by MailListStat v1.3, (C) 2001-2003 <marki (at) nexin.sk>
***** See http://freshmeat.net/projects/mls for details...

DISCLAIMER: Stats automatically produced. Remember that stats are often meaningless and deceiving.
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