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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14

On Thu, Sep 04, 2014 at 07:47:08AM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> - We failed to stress the importance of the CoC to Linus. I'd like to point out
>   that Debian used to be perceived as a community where flamewars and harsh
>   language are common. The cultural switch that happened inside the project
>   might not have transpired much outside yet, and it's very well possible that
>   Linus was not aware of it.

I wasn't there, but I saw the video. From seeing the video, it seems to
me quite a few of the questioners threw flamebaits at Linus, sometimes
quite aggressively. And all things considered, Linus didn't respond as
you'd expect someone used to our flamewars would.

So, I don't know if he was aware of the cultural change in Debian, but
he sure did remained civil considering what was thrown at him.
Seriously, with the way he was addressed at times, I wouldn't have been
surprised if he had behaved much worse.

So yeah, Linus may not have respected the CoC (fwiw I don't think he
didn't respect it), he may not have a respectful behavior on
occasions in the Linux kernel community (which is not our direct
problem), he may not have the same views as some of us, but what I saw in
that video told me more about Debian developers than about Linus. And
not in a good way.


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