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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14

On Tue, 9 Sep 2014 21:26:43 -0400, Michael Stone <mstone@xxxxxxxxxx>
>We'll have to see what happens. As I wrote in a previous message, if the 
>CoC is interpreted as narrowly scoped and primarily addressing hostile 
>(as opposed to heated) interactions, trolling, and flamewars (as it has 
>been) then all is well. If the CoC becomes a sociological purity test, yeah, 
>there's trouble ahead. That doesn't seem to be the prevailing view, 

I seee that differently. The few cases where I have seen the CoC
referenced were to silence voices that didn't fit some peoples'
opinions. All other cases (mailing list bans etc) did work as they
were before we adopted the CoC.

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