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Re: 'Passion' - fun for all the family

Halmyre wrote:

> m <NOXwebmasterx@xmbstevensx.com> wrote in message
> news:<xghbc.11702$Dv2.10240@newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net>...
>> Simon Gardner wrote:
>> > Let's all go along to the new Mel Gibson film and stand at the back and
>> > cheer on the Romans. Show 'em who the good gus are.
>> Any of you see the last 20 minutes of Braveheart?
>> The protagonist gets hanged, racked, drawn, and quartered --
>> all of it in excruciating detail.
>> This 'Passion' idiocy is just another of Uncle Mel's
>> snuff films.
>> Take away the 'religiosity' and 'spirituality'
>> and this thing says some very strange things about the
>> people who liked it.
> A newspaper review made a comment about Gibson's obsession with pain
> and torture - if you consider films of his where his character gets
> tortured/beaten-up/inflicts self-pain; you can quickly come up with
> Braveheart, Lethal Weapon I and II, Conspiracy Theory, Mad Max
> II...any more?

Maybe Mel has had a violent childhood. I know his father was quite a stern
man, being an outspoken holocaust denier as well.


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