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Issues with cookies & ebay

  • Subject: Issues with cookies & ebay
  • From: "Paul D" <>
  • Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 15:43:06 +0100
  • Newsgroups: uk.comp.misc
  • Xref: uk.comp.misc:53457
My newly built comp running XP, SP2 & IE6 won't sign into ebay - brings up a 
page telling me i need to enable cookies. Have played about with the 
settings & still no joy. I can sign into my hotmail account no problem so 
I'm thinking it's something to do with ebay, or IE6 not liking ebay. Never 
had (& still not having) any problems with ebay on my old comp running XP, 
no service pack & IE5.

Any ideas?


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