"Mark Blunden" <mark@NOSPAMmarkdb.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:
>My PC was working just fine up until I shut it down yesterday morning. In
>the evening when I switched it on, my C: drive would do nothing but emit low
>grinding noises - "grn-grn-grn-grn....grn-grn-grn-grn". It's an IBM Deskstar
>60GB model, a standard ATA/IDE drive, probably about 3-4 years old now.
>There's nothing absolutely essential on it that wasn't backed up, but there
>are some files - recent e-mails, mostly - that I'd like to recover if it's
>possible without spending a fortune. What are the chances that the fault is
>something that can be repaired fairly cheaply? (I'm not really holding out
>much hope).
Try wrapping it in an anti-static bag and putting it in the freezer for a couple of
hours. Sometimes this will get a drive working for long enough to get your data off
it. No guarantees though.
>Also, are there any models or manufacturers I should particularly avoid when
>buying a replacement drive?
I like Western Digital drives, but you'll probably get a wide range of views about
most makes.
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