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Re: Waking Up Numb

sine nomine wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> : I was about 16 when I initially found out that I was able to wake up
> : while my body remained, in some sense, asleep. The experience was scary
> : at the time, though ever since it has been somewhat humorous.
> this reminds me a bit of my experiences with sleep paralysis, only i
> find it terrifying instead of humorous. i feel as though i can't move
> or breathe, as if there were a weight on my chest or something pinning
> me down. a lot of the time i'm still sort of in a dream and i imagine
> stuff is happening that isn't. dunno if there's much to be done about
> it unless it's a symptom of some other sleep disorder.

Read the sources which people mentioned in this thread. A few days ago I did
not even know what sleep paralysis was.

The text refers to the exact same symptoms which you mentioned, but it is a

Regarding humour/terror, my only worry is that if someone were to see me in
the temporary state of paralysis (though it only lasts seconds), an
emergency call could be made in vain.


Roy S. Schestowitz

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