lazy_scroungers@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I could swear that thhe article about Linux users at the above link was
> written about the idiot houghi. His constant abuse and sarcasm of
> posters who might ask a simple question is now just boring. The whole
> group is better of without the wanker. It is people like you that
> damage the community spirit.
> So go concentrate on your pizza delivery driving skill you moron and
> post less here please.
Houghi has been very helpful on many occasions. When somebody behaves in a
way that may inconvenience the group, he warns. Most conversations I had
which involved Houghi portrayed him as a kind person. Maybe your experience
was different.
> p.s. Your website is crap.
What's /your/ Web site, Lazy? Oh, wait, you probably haven't bothered
building one, so why criticise others'?
PS - with your callous post, you urged even more moderators to killfile
posts from Google Groups, thereby penalising genuine and polite people who
seek help.