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Re: Screenshot at a certain resolution

  • Subject: Re: Screenshot at a certain resolution
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 10:05:29 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.gimp
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <1125472350.308357.66780@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com> <df3mli$mtg$1@svr12.m-online.net>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [Rico Heil] on Wednesday 31 August 2005 08:36 \__

> jonasforssell@xxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Gentlemen,
> What about the ladies? ;-)

Like when Americans say "guys", perhaps no discrimination was intended.

>> I'm trying to make a poster using the Scribus program. In the poster,
>>  there are to be some screenshots from a program of mine.
> I don't know Scribus, but I think this is just a problem of
> understanding...

It shouldn't matter how the poster is assembled, assuming it will not
resample the image in some gross way like Internet Explorer does, for

>> I've been using Gimp to acquire the screenshots but when I import
>> them into scribus they don't look right in resolution.

You might discover even more flexibility if you use Image Magick. The
command, to be more precise.

>> The poster will be made with a 300 dpi resolution. How do I aquire a
>> screenshot with this resolution in Gimp? When using a scanner, this
>> is adjustable.

The scanner is able to handle a greater density of pixels; printers
likewise. The screen will output the contents of the frame buffer and
unless you use vector graphics, your image will always be discrete. Put
differently... [see below]

> Your screen is organized in pixels. If you have a resolution of let's
> say 1280*1024 pixels, then this will be the size of a screenshot image
> in pixels. If you use this with 300 dpi, the width will be
> 1280/3 = 4.3 inches = 10.8 cm.


11cm (in terms of width) is the most you can get on the paper while
retaining the information in the original image.

> Of course you could increase the image size of the screenshot in GIMP,
> but this would only interpolate more pixels without additional
> information.

This may still be better than another program that will not interpolate the
image. I don't know Scribus, but it might have that undesirable effect. I
suggest that you rescale your screenshots in the GIMP before importing them
into Scribus. That'll make more or less the best-quality screenshots you
can hope for.

> Even without knowing Scribus, I bet there is a way to resize graphics
> there. If you use this, it will have the same effect. Of course, you
> will be able to see pixels in the printout, but this is just the way
> screenshots behave (just look at any screenshot in a computer magazine).
> Rico

The OP added:

> Hi Rico,
> My problem is that the screenshot turns out very large in Scribus and
> shrinking it destroys the quality.

In that case, Scribus does not shrink the images gracefully (much like in
the Internet Explorer analogy mentioned above). You need to pre-process
(downsample) the image/w in the GIMP before importing it/them. Set it to
the desired size so that you don't have to re-size any objects in Scribus.

> I'll rephrase my question in the Scribus forum.
> Thanks
> /Jonas

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz        "This sig seemed like a good idea at the time..."

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