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Re: Miva ecommerce links and search engines.

__/ [Philip Baker] on Thursday 08 December 2005 02:19 \__

> In article <dn6ugp$2lr5$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes
>>__/ [Antigravity] on Wednesday 07 December 2005 15:09 \__
>>> I dont have any control (i think) over the format of the URLs as they
>>> are generated by the Miva commerce software. However, i do plan to make
>>> a "front page" for the shop in good ole HTML stuffed with keywords and
>>> links to the shop URLs in the hope that the search engines will be
>>> sucked into the site through the splash page links.
>>I  honestly  think  that the one-word reply was redundant. With a  CMS  in
>>place,  a mod_rewrite would be too complex to set up, let alone generalise
>>to all pages. A front page would be a wise step. Try to find out, with the
>>aid  of  search engines, about workarounds people have devised to  shorten
>>Miva URL's or make them reflect on the page titles (/slugs).
> Does anyone know how popular Miva is compared to the alternatives, ASP
> PHP, CGI/perl etc.? I never hear much about it, but it is available for
> use on two of my sites.

If my opinion is of any use, I have never heard of Miva before you mentioned
it. I know a large number of non-commercial content management systems. In
fact, you take them all for a live spin:


If you do some research, you can probably find out how many times Miva was
downloaded, how many times it was installed and how many unique sites
(still) run it. What counts as much as the userbase is the state of
development. You probably don't want to see support and active maintenance
reaching cessation.


Roy S. Schestowitz
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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      http://iuron.com - next generation of search paradigms

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