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Re: Novel's Linux strategy

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o' wisdom:

>>> http://chris.pirillo.com/blog/_archives/2005/4/26/624829.html
>>    "Ubj pbzr abobql rire hfrf EBG13 Nalzber?"
>> Just curious.
> ...don't ask *me*. Apparently, bad software does bad thing to one's brain.
> Scientists say that when a brain ceases to be challenged or aroused its
> performance gets degraded and it shrinks. Honestly. I just hope Linux
> doesn't becomes any less sophisticated. It's too user-friendly already. Damn
> those Cannonical and their user-centric elitism!

I posted it so's I could do Esc-R in slrn to see what it says.  Decode
with ROT-13.

I love the smell of code compiling in the morning.  It smells like... Freedom.

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