Where to put the spend depends on the usage bottleneck.
o Twin HD on a laptop offers 1 key benefit
---- keeps system & data apart = minimise head repositioning
---- head repositioning is slow electromechanical latency
o Single HD allows you to spend on a higher spec unit
---- 7200rpm is noticeable over 5400rpm over 4200rpm
If you are used to a 3.5" desktop drive, particularly 7200rpm,
then a 2.5" laptop unit is somewhat markedly slower:
o Sustained TR is less re density/rpm/outer-track-diameter
o Electromechanical head positioning is slow (50-80% slower)
So if your tasks spends a lot of time I/O seeking (such as
doing an Outlook search) then you the HD is critical.
Games stress different components:
o Graphics Card
---- many laptops are office orientated vs games orientated
---- so this will be a key factor in laptop choice for games
o Processor
---- Centrino offers performance & long battery life
---- P4s can be quicker for some tasks, but practically it's Centrino
o Memory
---- fastest bus speed & 512MB
o Screen latency/quality
---- Sony have good screens, low latency re video