"David Gartrell" <davsarg@btinternet.com> wrote:
>I'm trying to decide whether to buy a laptop with 2x60Gb 7200RPM drives or
>2x100Gb 5400RPM drives. a 200Gb capacity really appeals to me but the
>particularily from a gaming point of view. Any experiences you have that
While I'd never bother to game on a laptop, I'd certainly stock up on
memory and get the faster drives. I've got a 60G 7200RPM drive in my
Dell Dimension D600, and it's noticably faster than the slower one
that came out of it.
If you really need the storage, why not get a 7200RPM drive for the
system disk and a big/slow drive for your storage? Then you'll have
160G of storage and high speed where you need it. [I allocated a
separate partition for the permanent 4G swap file, which helps keep
page file fragmentation down...]