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Re: Stupid question - writing DVD+R

  • Subject: Re: Stupid question - writing DVD+R
  • From: "alan jonson" <t.jonson@merseymail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 18:37:47 -0000
  • Newsgroups: uk.comp.misc
  • Organization: Pipex
  • References: <41e57837$0$289$cc9e4d1f@news.dial.pipex.com> <W6SdnaFqv6kKP3vcRVnyug@pipex.net>
  • Reply-to: "alan jonson" <t.jonson@merseymail.com>
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk uk.comp.misc:54755
"Trev" <trevbowdenATdsl.pipexDOTnet> wrote in message
> "alan jonson" <t.jonson@merseymail.com> wrote in message
> news:41e57837$0$289$cc9e4d1f@news.dial.pipex.com...
> Hi,
> This sounds really stupid.
> I've written some files to a DVD+R using Roxio Easy CD & DVD Creator,
> Windows XP.
> I tried the disc in a different computer but it appeared blank.
> I then did a right-click, explore on the drive icon, and it was ok.
> Any ideas ?
> Did you finalize the disc ?

So maybe I am stupid.

I'll give it a try.


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