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Re: [OT] Video Conversion

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Thanks for that, Kevin. It seems like more of a frame-stitching tool that
> creates AVI's. I looked at the examples to some depth and I could not find
> anything that serves my purpose. I once had a Window$ tool (trial version)
> that converted AVI's to GIF's, but it only let me do it for free if the
> GIF's generated were under 100k in size. I can compromise for Window$ as
> long as it gets the work done. If anybody can think of something, please
> let me know. If I get a tools that PICKS OUT FRAMES OUT OF AN UNCOMPRESSED
> AVI, that would be a solution too. I can take it from there...

It seems to me that avidemux2 is what you are looking for. 
This program is like swiss knife of video editing, however I found its gui
not very intuitive, you may need to commit RTFM. Avidemux2 has pretty good
docs section and users forum, look up on their website. 

narazicho, Zbycho

MÃj SuSE jest YaSTastyczny! 

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