Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Paminu wrote:
>> When I drag the window limiter right this newsgroups name:
>> comp.windows.x.kde
>> lokks like:
>> c.windows.x.kde
>> How do I disable this feature?
> Have you tried widening the space for this item
> (by dragging the right-hand edge of the "Name" window)?
> However, I must say I don't recommend that,
> as it is absurdly easy to get the knode display in a mess -
> the setting is far from intuitive,
> and there seems to be no way to get back to the default setting -
> a very bad feature of knode, IMHO.
It was only a couple of days ago that I renamed newsgroups. This seemed to
have solved 2 problems:
-Shortened names which helps fitting within the pane and make titles more
-Ability to group newsgroups rathee than sort them by name or numbers. By
inserting spaces you can sort them by priorities or level of activity.