Paminu wrote:
> Thomas Overgaard wrote:
>> Paminu wrote :
>>> When I subscribe to a newsgroup I get the first 500 messages. But how do
>>> I get more messages?
>> Unsubscribe from the group and then go to "Settings"|"Configure KNode"
>> and in the "Reading news" setup increase the number of articles to
>> fetch. Then subscribe to the group again and get more messages.
>> You might have to go to the "Cleanup" setting to change the settings
>> here so that the extra messages doesn't expire.
> Is that really the only way? Is there a newsreader for Linux that has the
> feature from Outlook Express where you just press "get next 300 messages"?
Is bandwidth is the issue, then I suggest you reduce the number of articles
to download and use Google Groups if you want to go further backwards.
There is no option for the feature you described; I have checked.