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Re: is palm OS dying?

  • Subject: Re: is palm OS dying?
  • From: "J. Clarke" <jclarke.usenet@snet.net.invalid>
  • Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 11:39:29 -0400
  • Newsgroups: comp.sys.palmtops.pilot
  • Organization: http://newsguy.com
  • References: <ZqLqe.39671$j51.36639@tornado.texas.rr.com> <bs3na1dbti8g6ur3p6herkntulk2m23bla@4ax.com> <d8g7js$aee$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk> <Xns9672D80B4D323ezboard1lycoscom@> <d8glo8$1jq5$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk>
  • User-agent: KNode/0.8.0 Hamster-Pg/1.13
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.sys.palmtops.pilot:302455
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> RonB wrote:
>> On Sat 11 Jun 2005 08:45:05p, Roy Schestowitz, wrote:
>>> Pocket PC's are heavy, large, and slow.
>> And they run on M$ crap.
> I was trying to be impartial. I guess I could live with Windows, but I
> loathe the thought that Microsoft have gained _yet another_ lock-in
> source: mobile devices.
> I sometimes wonder why everyone is enslaved to this minor platform. iPods,
> for example will work under Windows, but will Microsoft integrate their
> products with the Mac?

Which products?  Bear in mind that Word and Excel started out as Mac
applications and were later ported to Windows.  And they are still
available for the Mac--Microsoft seems to alternate Windows and Mac
releases so the latest Office for Mac is Office 2004.  Further, Microsoft
sells a product that allows just about any Microsoft application including
the severs to run on the Mac, although with a performance penalty.

> Or Linux? 
> When Microsoft allow developers to compile their code (e.g. in Visual
> Basic) for other platform, my opinion might become milder.

Huh?  How does Microsoft prevent developers from compiling their code for
other platforms?  Or are you saying that Microsoft should make development
tools that target non-Microsoft platforms?

If you want portable code you have to write portable code--that's the bottom
line, and it doesn't matter _what_ environment you're in--it's possible to
write code for the GPLed gnu compilers that works _only_ with those
compilers and if you lock in system-dependent calls then you can't port
your code from Linux easily either.

> Roy

to email, dial "usenet" and validate
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)

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