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Re: css problem

"bluechucky" <cmjunk at iinet dot net dot au> wrote:

>[span class="postbody"]This is what a URL link looks
>like ... [a href="http://www.news,com,au";
>(brackets changed incase it affects presentation here.

>Then there is this;
>.postbody {font-size : 12px; }

Don't use px for font sizing. Win IE users can't resize your text if
they find it too small or too large to comfortably read (not without
disabling _all_ font sizing via an option buried serveral layers deep
in the preferences)

>a.postbody:link {color : #ffcc00; text-decoration : none; }
>a.postbody:visited {color : #c0c0c0; text-decoration : none; }
>a.postbody:hover {color : #c0c0c0; text-decoration : underline; }
>These postbody settings, when changed have no effect... what am I doing

a.postbody matches <a> elements with class="postbody". You have no
such elements.

.postbody a:link matches <a> elements within an element with
class="postbody". That's what you have. 

Time to reread the section on selectors in the spec?


"My theories appal you, my heresies outrage you, 
 I never answer letters and you don't like my tie."  - The Doctor

Steve Pugh        <steve@pugh.net>        <http://steve.pugh.net/>

  • References:
    • css problem
      • From: "bluechucky" <cmjunk at iinet dot net dot au>
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